This is how we live

When you have not yet moved into Tietgenkollegiet, you are usually very curious to know more about the rooms that you may get the chance to move into. Where can I put my bed? Will my sofa fit in here? How can I create a pleasant living space? You may be able to get an impression on this page where a number of residents have made their rooms available to the photographer.

“It is great to have a place where there is room for you to be you, but at the same time never more than 10 steps from your residence hall family. From my room, I have a view over the channels and the lawn and here I feel I can engross myself in something if I need to – which is rare, however.” Helene, residents

Edgy rooms

The rooms of Tietgenkollegiet are unlike any other residence hall rooms. Here are no white walls (you are not allowed to paint them) or right angles. But as you can see in the photographs, that need not be an obstacle – on the contrary.

Room to be yourself

Even though Tietgenkollegiet emphasises community a great deal, it is also key that there is room to be yourself. If you need to be alone, there is always the option of retiring to your room, but as the residents say it usually doesn’t take long before you get the urge to open the door to the kitchen again so you can hear what is going on.